Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Wednesday, A really shocking one !!

I have never felt so vulnerable in my life. Its been 24 hrs since the terror attack in Mumbai was initiated. Vulnerable because all the places that symbolized Bombay for me all these years were terrorized, not just a bomb blast this time, but a group of boys of my age that open fired as if they were shooting people in some Video Game. Leopold Cafe, CST Rail station, Taj, The Trident (Oberoi), the whole of South Bombay in short was rampaged by armed gunmen throwing Hand grenades at will... Lol.. wtf !!! HAND GRENADES on civilians ??? 3 days back I was sitting at Leopolds, I don’t know if I should thank god for being lucky or think about what if Yesterday had happened 3 days back. The photo s shown on news channels, with blood all over the place make me wonder, isn’t human life supposed to be priceless. Does priceless mean PRICE-LESS ?? Ask a doctor what a human life means to him, A surgeon in an operation theatre would work his butt off to save a life, and these bunch of assholes claim lives as if they were the ones that gave them in the first place.


          I would love to know what exactly would be going on in their minds when they fire a round, or throw a grenade??


          Today I went out for a round in Vile Parle, Open roads and closed shutters. I had my normal round of pani puri near Options. Where I would have to wait for 5 min on a normal day, I was welcomed by d waiter there. The Mariot was the only place I saw cops, accompanied by some army personnel as well. Moving on to Juhu beach, I had never seen that place so deserted in the last 5 mnths. Hardly any people on the beach. Taking advantage of it were a bunch of kids playin soccer and some playing cricket. A group of mattha s(locals) were also boozing on the beach in a corner. While I walked down the beach, the song “Zindagi Maut na Ban Jaaye” from Sarfarosh was playing in one of the food stalls, I could not help but laugh about COINCIDENCE.  

After a while I moved on. The Bachan residence was guarded by more number of cops than normal. PVR Juhu was closed today, and some Journalists and cameramen were Covering the lifeless Mall maybe to portray the picture of a currently stagnant Bombay.


          All this makes me think, what now ?? What point did the terrorists prove by this act ?? What ideology is instilled in their minds that is so strong that it can justify their act to themselves and make them readily give and take lives for such a cause ?? I also laugh at people s comments that follow news articles on rediff news. 36 yr old people say things such as “should kill all Muslims in the country”, or “Congress is good for nothing, Maharashtra should be given in the hands of someone like Narendra Modi”, the same person would have condemned Modi for his actions during the Gujarat riots. Believe me it is very easy to sit at home and post comments like these, but what could have any government done in such a situation ? You might say that the terrorists took a fucking boat from Karachi straight till the Gateway Of India and just crossed on to the roads, but is it possible to cover every leakage at every point in the country. In Mumbai alone count the number of local stations, the number of people using Local trains, the number of entries and exits to these stations. And killing Muslims is never going to be the solution. Even if u kill the terrorists, Its never going to stop, because terrorism is not about a person, or just a group of people, it s an ideology and it spreads far and fast like a fire in a dry forest. Before you can save a tree, the forest is eaten up. The question still remains unanswered, what can we do ??



          The worst feeling that a man can have is the feeling of helplessness, atleast for me it is. Knowing something s happening to you and you can’t do shit about it. Just try and relate to any person who was a victim last night. You are sitting down there in a coffee shop or a pub or a hotel room, laughing away with your friends, or making out with your wife, unaware that this is the last 10 seconds of your life, and the worst part is that “some person, that doesn even know ur name,  who thinks god wants him to kill you” is responsible for it.


          According to me, the best thing to do when you can’t do anything about something is stop giving a fuckk !! I don’t say that you should be unaffected by it and behave as if nothing has happened. But donot let the fear get into you. How many places will you not go to ??

Temples ? (Akshardham)

Cinemas ?

Local Trains in Bombay ?

Marine Drive ?

Pubs ?

Restaurants ?


          The only thing I can think of is live life to the fullest for u may not know what awaits u the next moment. I don’t mean stop caring about studies, work etc. But don’t leave anything to regret about in life. Because death doesn’t give u a chance to regret. So do all you want while u are alive. If you want to be successful in life, work hard and achieve your goal. If you want to make someone happy, do it now. Do whatever that gives you happiness.





Rishabh said...

Please excuse grammatical errors and please post in your views, I would love to hear from people about all this..

Tripper said...

A wonderful emotional pitch. But i am not sure how effective the strategy of ignoring the pain is. Show it that they cannot take away your life. But no Ganghigiri here. At the same time snuff the rats out of the country.
any way a nice read.

Unknown said...

Bhai..excellent....i really cud hardly find any grammatical mistakes except 1-2 spelling mistakes.
But very well written....actually i never knew that u think this deep...
and I agree...that live life to the fullest so that u don't leave anything to regret later

Nidz3 said...

Rishabh, this article has emotions and life jumping out of it. Even though I am seven seas far from India, not a second have stopped thinking about what has been going on in Mumbai.And how the people have been dealing with this situation... gosh. I hope God gives courage to families of the people who have been directly affected by this evil- minded peoples' craziness.
The politicians and leaders should now open their minds with educated knowledge and take some steps towards making our country a safer place to live.

Unknown said...

ummm u hav me takn abak...m surprised..pleasantly.. :) wudn kinda expect u 2 write in dis way...ur rite abt livin life 2 d fullest...though wts hapnd is verry d way u put it in2 words..has a lot of feelin..
gud job..

Unknown said...

chuck it man evn if it wud have been flooded with grammatical errors i wud say the same. it was amzing simply astounding trust me, human life being price-less is so damn true dunoo when wud all dis end.. keep it going.

Frivolous Child said...

brilliant dude....
very well said...
n knowing a little bit about u....
i can just say that... u have put forward ur views into words very well...

Maitri said...

I agree with everything except the conclusion.

But I still love you cuz <3

Jay said...

Nice to see you on the blogosphere. Welcome.

Unknown said...

wow..!!! trust me rishla i am feeling lively now, after reading this, i am with u sir, live life king size.